Miscellaneous Game Videos

home page: http://rcgldr.net

Giants - Citizen Kabuto - main characters
Giants - Citizen Kabuto - funny scene

Uru - Easter Egg sequence

Tomb Raider 1 - Midas Palace - fire column sequence
Tomb Raider 1 - St Francis Folly - Last Secret (3 ways)
Tomb Raider 1 - Sanctuary of the Scion - Uzis
Tomb Raider 2 - Lara's Home - Past the gates and back
Tomb Raider 2 - Obstacle Course
Tomb Raider 2 - Great Wall - getting on top of the tower
Tomb Raider 2 - All Hallows
Tomb Raider 3 - Tinnos - Secret 2
Tomb Raider 3 - Lud's Gate - Alternate guard method
Tomb Raider 4 - Burial Chambers - Hand of Orion blades
Tomb Raider 4 - Lost Library - Pole and blades
Tomb Raider 4 - Lost Library - Alternate horseman method
Tomb Raider 4 - Race to Iris
Tomb Raider 4 - Chambers of Tulun - Hammer Guardian
Tomb Raider 6 - Breath of Hades
Tomb Raider 6 - Sanctuary of the Flame
Tomb Raider 7 - Bolivia Gold Relic
Tomb Raider 8 - Great Pyramid Sequence
Tomb Raider 8 - Final Conflict speed mode

email: rcgldr@cox.net